Who are we?

We are a company dedicated to Education through the Arts developing projects since 2005. We encourage direct contact with Nature and the use of natural materials when working with public of all ages.

Storytelling is our main focus, stories can teaching every and anything. We like to bring them to life through what we call "Storyshowing".

We aim to contribute to a sustainable social development by supporting local communities and multicultural diversity in our projects. In our path we hope to join other individual or colective entities with common aims, so that education can transform it self into a sustainable, healthy sharing activity.

Through a holistic approach we hope to share the joy of a true connection with nature, which may grow into an increasing ecological attitude towards life.

What do we do?

We bring stories to life through "Storyshowing";
We open the door of the "Stories Storage", a place for guided playing and exploration;
We share experiences on the "Ideas Storage", a workshop for adults.

Find out more about our projects, ideas and inspiration.

And have a look in some of our special moments.

How can you be a part of it?

Bring "A Table filled with Stories" to your school or private venue and we will show you a story;

Provide a workshop! They share the beauty of nature through "storyshowing", beeswax modeling, doll making, natural dyeing and painting and more;

Ask for our handmade toys, games and story tables;

Sponsor us in "Raio de Sol", a project for East Timor;

Suggest! We will give expression to your ideas!